Cool Your Home Naturally With These Indoor Plants

2022-07-15 19:40:26 By : Ms. Natalie Huang

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The more, the merrier—and cooler!

We can already feel the effects of the above-average temperatures that have hit the U.S. Speaking from experience, and last week’s heat advisories, we can definitely feel it in the south. The midwest and southwest are feeling it, too. And Western states are experiencing a drought on top of record-breaking temperatures, which only exacerbates the issue.

Rainfall, which typically provides some relief from the heat, across the county is expected to continue to be lower than normal this summer. 

Of course, many people will seek refuge indoors. Sitting in the AC, watching movies, reading, and playing games are expected in extreme temperatures. But even with our ACs cranked, experts are warning of potential rolling blackouts that could affect many states. And if we lose electricity we’ll need to figure out some different ways to stay cool.

Investing in a generator, new windows, or solar panels are a few ways to keep cool if the power goes out. Window coverings, avoiding using the stove, investing in an energy-efficient HVAC, and setting your ceiling fans to rotate counter-clockwise are other ways to bring down the temperature in your home. 

But there’s another (and cheap) way that could help alleviate utility costs and lower the temperature in your home. And if you’re already a plant parent, you’ll likely be excited to add a few new plants to your brood.

We already know that indoor plants can boost your mood. And nature-inspired decor and propagation walls are trending thanks to shows like Fixer Upper. Some people have indoor plants just because they like the aesthetic. But, luckily, some plants can also naturally cool your home.

So, how do plants cool off your home, exactly? Through a process called transpiration, the plant releases moisture into the air. This process then cools the plant and the air around the plant. So, the more plants you have in your home, the merrier, and also cooler.

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While more research is needed on the assertion that plants purify the air, some scientists claim this could also be an added benefit. Many point to a 1989 NASA study that suggested that plants can rid the surrounding environment of toxins.

While the south-eastern states typically don’t have too much of a problem with low humidity in the summertime, the lower than average rainfall has made the humidity less than normal as well. Lower humidity can lead to higher rates of viral infections.

Plants can also help regulate the humidity inside a home, keeping it within the optimum range. However, if you notice your home is too humid in the warmer months, investing in a dehumidifier might be your best bet.

There are tons of indoor plants that can help cool your home while bringing in a boho/chic vibe.

The Devil’s Ivy-Golden Pothos is a perfect low-maintenance plant for your home. It thrives in almost every condition, even low light, and only needs occasional watering. It’s best to let the soil dry out between watering.

The amount of water may vary depending on the season. It may require more watering during the warmer months and less during the colder seasons.

The Snake plant, which is part of the genus Dracaena, also goes by the names Sansevieria, bow string hemp, snake tongue, and devil’s tongue. As a succulent, it could become vulnerable to root-rot if it’s overwatered. It’s best to keep watering to once every few weeks.

The snake plant is a great addition to keep your home cooler and more stylish this summer.

An aloe vera plant is a no-brainer for decor and easy care. Like the Snake Plant, the aloe plant is drought tolerant, only needing watering occasionally. Place next to a sunny window for at least six hours of direct sunlight.

These plants not only cool down your home but also have a plethora of topical medicinal benefits. If you stay out too long in the sun, just take off a leaf from your aloe plant and rub the inside of it on your sunburn. It’ll cool, soothe, and help repair your sunburned skin.

A Cat Palm is a cute, fluffy, feathery palm that brings a beachy aesthetic to your home. It’ll do well in bright, indirect light but will be slow-growing. Giving it just the right amount of water is integral—over or underwatering can result in root rot or browning leaves respectively.

This plant also likes higher humidity but can do well in an indoor environment. Keeping the room at a comfortable temperature will also help ensure it thrives. Try to position it in a place away from drafts, air conditioners, or heaters.

Help your decor and your energy bill this summer by filling your home with your favorite plants, it’s a win/win situation!