Fact Check: Can the Kalanchoe pinnata plant treat cancer? - THIP Media

2022-07-29 19:39:28 By : Ms. Christine Zhang

A video on social media claims the Kalanchoe pinnata plant is used in cancer treatment. We fact-checked and found the claim to be Half True.

An Instagram video shows Kalanchoe pinnata plant along with the text claiming 14 associated benefits. In the fourth point, the post claims Kalanchoe pinnata plant is ‘Used in cancer treatment.’

No evidence confirms Kalanchoe pinnata plant treats cancer. However, a study has shown that the plant can reduce cancer symptoms. Also, the available studies highlight that the plant may have anti- HPV (Human papillomavirus) and anti-cancer properties. Besides this, there is no country-specific statistical data available online that can show efficacy of the plant against region-specific cancer cells within the body.

We need more research and human trials to understand if the plant can kill the existing cancer cells and prevent the formation of newer ones.

Dr. Sarthak Moharir, Radiation Oncologist says “As of now, there is no scientific evidence to suggest Kalanchoe plant is an anti-cancer drug. There is some evidence that shows extracts from Kalanchoe pinnata inhibit cancer cell growth and migration, in a laboratory setting (in-vitro). This does not mean that it will have the same effect on the cancer cells inside the human body, i.e., in-vivo. Lots of scientific research will have to be done to establish whether the plant actually has anti cancer properties”.

THIP MEDIA TAKE: No evidence confirms Kalanchoe pinnata plant treats cancer. We need more studies to confirm the same.

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