The Succulentário Jardins da Babilônia holds this Sunday (21) from 8 am, its first cactus and succulent fair.About 350 copies will be displayed and offered for sale that can add color to your garden.These are species such as African Jade, Ercheveria, Graptopetalum Paraguayense - the ghost plant, Haworthia and Monrovia Kalanchoe.In addition to succulents, there will also be Cactus Palma, Huernia keniensis or Tink, Green Euphorbia and rarities from Africa.Among the foliage, we highlight shrubs such as Myrrh;It will also be possible to buy Mini Ornamental Garden Pineapples, Mini Espada de São Jorge and some species of Aloe.Payments with PIX or cash will be accepted.Click on the link to see the location of the Succulent Gardens of BabylonAvenida Carlos Gomes, 146 - back - zone 5