Gardening: Succulents offer variety and can be used inside and outside

2022-05-20 22:47:29 By : Ms. Linda zhang

During the past few years, succulents have become very popular with gardeners who find that these plants can be eye-catching additions to both indoor and outdoor settings.

Requiring minimal care, most succulents seem to thrive on neglect and dry soil. These plants store water in their leaves, stems and roots, causing their foliage to appear fleshy and even puffy, unlike the foliage of most other types of plants.

Succulents are drought-resistant plants that have adapted to arid environments throughout the world. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Planting several different varieties in the same bed or container provides visual appeal, and using them as a border among flowering annuals or even shrubs adds instant curb appeal to any home landscape.

Succulents are low-maintenance plants that require only small amounts of water and fertilizer, but they do need lots of sunlight. When placing them indoors, choose bright, sunny windowsills with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight; south-facing windows work best.

During spring and summer when succulents are actively growing, water no more than once a week. During the winter, they typically need to be watered just once every two or three weeks, and be careful — overwatering is the most common cause of death.

Whether planted outdoors or indoors, succulents require a well-drained, coarse soil that mimics conditions of their native arid ranges. Soil mixes specifically for cacti and succulents are recommended, although industrious gardeners can mix their own using one part potting mix and one part coarse sand.

Succulents require fertilizer just a couple of times each year, during the spring and summer. Houseplant fertilizers can be used and should be diluted to half the recommended concentration.

Each spring and summer, gardeners often purchase young, small succulents to incorporate into flower beds, foundation plantings and containers to enjoy all summer. In the fall, most of these succulents succumb to the first killing frost and are then unceremoniously added to the compost pile. Most of these plants, however, would make excellent indoor plants when potted and moved inside at the end of the season.

During the following spring and summer, these containers can be placed back outdoors to liven up patios, decks and other spaces, or the succulents can be re-planted in the ground once again, with the benefit of having increased in size after a full year of growth. One of the benefits of over-wintering is the ability to enjoy these plants as they mature and flower.

When moving over-wintered succulents outdoors in the spring, first put them in an area with some shade or filtered sunlight for a few days, before placing them into areas with full sun.

From the smallest hen and chicks to the largest agave, there are hundreds of succulents to choose from. Many gardeners are likely already familiar with sedums, snake plant, jade plant, medicine plant and the flowering kalanchoes. Other popular succulents include the following plant families:

The New York Botanical Garden has an online listing of recommended succulents for indoor use at (click on "Plant and Gardening Help," then "Succulents in Your Home.")

Winter is perfect for focusing on indoor plants, and what better time to get creative with colorful and pleasing succulents.

Mike Hogan is an associate professor at Ohio State University and extension educator at the OSU Extension.