Haworthias: 'Camels' of the plant world - silive.com

2022-05-20 22:48:11 By : Mr. David Wang

Haworthias are small succulent plants native to Southern Africa, where they grow wild. Since they are not hardy, and wouldn’t survive our cold winters, we need to grow them indoors in containers to enjoy them.

Succulents are plants that store water in their juicy tissues so it will be available during periods of drought. They are referred to as the “camels” of the plant world.

Haworthia is related to Aloe, Gasteria and Kniphofia and there are about 60 different species to be found. Their succulent leaves are swollen and designed to store water to enable them to cope with hot, waterless periods.

Many cultivars of Haworthia originated in a desert or semi-desert region with little or no summer rainfall. For this reason, it’s best to water sparingly during the winter months, and conversely, more frequently during the spring and summer. Just water enough to keep the soil barely moist, but don’t let your Haworthia dry out completely. Fertilize once In April, and then again in July, with a water-soluble fertilizer.

Grown for their shape and unusual markings, Haworthias’ small size demands very little space, making them perfect for anyone with limited growing areas. Most Haworthia species are short with a rosette shape. They do flower with small, pale tubular blooms on thin, wiry stems, but their blossoms are not showy.

These diminutive succulents are slow growers, but their root system is rather large in comparison to the small size of the plant itself. They will multiply by producing small offsets called “pups,” which can be left on the mother plant for quite a while. Plants are easily propagated during re-potting in the spring by simply separating the offsets from the rosette.

Choose a shallow pot and add a layer of small gravel at the bottom of the container first. After adding the plant and some potting soil, put a layer of sand on top and, lastly, another inch of gravel on top of that. The sand will keep the soil from coming through the gravel and the gravel will keep the soil in the pot during watering.

The gravel improves the appearance of the plant and also helps to keep the plants’ leaves off the wet soil, thus lessening the likelihood of any rotting taking place. Water, thus, will be able to easily drain through the soil while stabilizing it. This top-dressing is a neat way to grow many varieties of succulents.

Coarse sand, pebbles, pea gravel and crushed rock all are natural top-dressings that will enhance a planting of Haworthias without becoming a focal point of the container. The earthy colors of brown, tan, rust-red or black add a simple, but sophisticated element to a planting.

Haworthias will survive on less light than many other succulents, however, in order to produce their colorful foliage, they need some sun. Keep a careful eye on them to make sure they don’t get sunburned. Some species can’t tolerate full sun and may need to have less light.

These popular houseplants can spend the summer outdoors on the patio if morning sun and afternoon shade are available. You will need to get them gradually used to the brighter light outside; be aware sunburn can occur in a matter of hours. You’ll also need to monitor the amount of water Mother Nature provices, but you may be rewarded by the apperance of some bloom stalks by providing this outdoor environment for your Haworthia.

Haworthia attenuata, commonly called the “Zebra Plant,” is a very popular cultivar that is easy to grow and perfect for a busy grower. Give this plant a place in the sun, but set back a bit, and a drink of water once a week and you’ll be all set for a long association with a slow-growing, low-maintenance plant.

Some fascinating Haworthias have areas of translucent tissue at their tips that Annadale Garden Club member Leslie Heffner descrives as “having a window,” when held up to the light. She purchased her Haworthia cooperi x pruncata for $10 several years ago when it was the size of a quarter and it’s now one of her favorite succulents. Although it’s grown larger, it still is able to be included in her succulent collection, a tiny growing area chock full of great specimens.

No need to ask a neighbor to tend your succulent plants when you’re away on vacation, since they’re prepared to survive several weeks without water.

Johnny’s Seed catalog recommends that you start seeds of brussel sprouts, cauliflower, onion, broccoli, eggplant, peppers, cabbage, leeks and tomatoes now. If you haven’t purchased your seeds already, it’s time to get going.

Lee Gugliada is past president of the Great Kills Garden Club and past director of First District Federated Garden Clubs of New York State.

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