How to keep flowers blooming in summer: Gardening jobs for the weekend

2022-07-01 19:51:15 By : Ms. Lily Tan

We are in the “in between times”; after the spring and early summer flowers – such as delphiniums, geraniums and lupins – and before the full range of summer flowers, helenium, phlox and rudbeckias for example, peak. Some maintenance now will keep the display going until the autumn flowers such as asters and Japanese anemones come into their own.

The earlier flowers often have more to give, delphiniums and lupins for example flower again later if cut back now, while alchemilla and geraniums produce fresh green foliage if not flowers. Naturally, plants from which seed is to be collected should not be cut back.

There is a balance to be struck – plants often need to retain their foliage to give good results next year but when they become unsightly or mildewed, cutting back is required. Fortunately, plants are quite tolerant of cutting back so err on the side of severity.

One exception is peonies. These should be dead-headed but not cut back as best results come from letting them die back naturally. In any case their foliage is ornamental in many cases. Early plants still in flower can be dead-headed to keep up appearances and potentially promote further flowering. Alternatively, take stems for cut flowers to make way for new spikes. Anthemis and scabious make good cut flowers.

While cutting back, pull up or dig out weeds. Aim to extract as much root as possible when dealing with perennial weeds such as bindweed. Where quick growing ones such as annual meadow grass or hairy bittercress have already shed seeds, consider topping the mulch with at least 5cm of fresh material to prevent seeds from germinating.

Review staking arrangement as vigorously growing plants may over-reach the supports and be liable to flop especially if subjected to heavy thunderstorms unless more support is added.

Dahlias, fuchsias, osteospermums and other tender plants are deservedly popular for abundant continuous flowers now that warmer weather has arrived. Unfortunately, they are in danger of frost damage over the winter unless brought indoors. As tender plants flower on and on they repay more water, feeding and assiduous deadheading.

In fertile soils feeding flowers is often unnecessary, particularly if a garden compost mulch has been applied after winter. But thin, infertile soils or recalcitrant clays often repay topping up plant nutrients during this season. Flowers need much less fertiliser than vegetables and very weak home-made materials such as comfrey fertiliser are often a good if choice if used often and lavishly. Otherwise, consider seaweed fertiliser or on sandy soils which lack potassium use tomato fertiliser.

Where plants have been well chosen to match the soil watering is often unnecessary. Echinops, eryngium, sedums (including Hylotelephium), osteospermums, stachys and verbena are water-saving flowers for free draining soils. Where heavy watering is necessary consider replanting sunny areas in autumn with drought-tolerant subjects and moving less tolerant plants to shadier (but not dark) spots. Where watering cannot be avoided, aim to do so every 14 days or so with enough water to wet the root zone, typically 20cm deep.

Hot, dry weather is linked to rust diseases and powdery mildew. Garden fungicides give better protectant effect than curative control and where disease strikes it is usually better to cut back plants as soon as flowering is over to limit unsightliness and disease spread. Persistent offenders such as certain monarda and phlox, both very vulnerable to powdery mildew, can be difficult to grow in gardens that lack moist soil and replacement with more robust species might be necessary. Aconitum napellus and phygellius are good for difficult sites.

Insect problems decline after mid-summer as numbers of predatory and parasitic insects build up and prevent outbreaks of harmful insects. Aphids, especially blackfly can occasionally occur and, if serious, can be addressed with insecticides based on soaps (fatty acids) or oils applied at dusk when bees are not flying. Plants in hot dry areas can be afflicted with red spider mites and thrips. Overhead watering can make conditions less favourable for them and boost plant health.

Gardeners are always looking for ways to make their flower plantings better for next year with new colour combinations, avoid gaps, overcome interruptions in flowering display and replace problem plants. A great way of doing this is to visit the many late summer flower shows and plant fairs to source suitable plants. These tend not to establish too well if in flower so keep in their pots in a sheltered spot – well fed and watered – for October planting.

Guy Barter is the chief horticultural adviser for the Royal Horticultural Society. The Royal Horticultural Society is a charity working to share the best in gardening and make the UK a greener place. Find out more at

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