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The global avocado market, worth approximately $13 billion a year, could be set for a boost courtesy of an Israeli innovation that would speed up growth and simplify exports.
The MIGAL Galilee Research Institute reports that a recent breakthrough would enable the rapid production of avoc
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“Succulent Plant” Market Insights | No of Pages85| By Appliication [Household, Commercial1], By Type [Aizoaceae, Cactaceae, Crassulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae, Others]. Succulent Plant Market Report offers a Comprehensive view about the com
If you don’t have the right outdoor setup for gardening, you’re in luck! Growing houseplants is an excellent way to flex your green thumb; however, care requirements for these plants are a little different than your average garden. Plants can have long, luscious lives in the privacy of you
A wind turbine on Scotland's Shetland Islands during a wind drought last September. WILLIAM EDWARDS / AFP via Getty Images
As carbon dioxide levels rise and the Earth’s poles warm, researchers are predicting a decline in the planet’s wind speeds. This ‘stilling’ could imp
These beautiful succulents from the deserts of the Arabian peninsular are associated with wealth and longevity
I t’s always fascinating to me as a botanist that, out of the estimated 400,000 plant species on Earth, humans have become so fixated on a certain number. We have spent gener
Echeveria pulidonis at Auckland Botanical Gardens, New Zealand (Photo: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz / Wikimedia Commons / CreativeCommons)Echeveria pulidonis is a species of succulent native to Mexico, which is born in the shape of a rose and is easily identified by the red line that outlines its l
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In retrospect, our apple trees should have been an omen of what our gardening success was to be this summer. All ten along our lane flowered towards the end of an extended hot s
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Houseplants provide several benefits including boosting your
The following is a work of humor and satire about the Las Vegas Raiders. It may contain offensive content and imagery and as a result, it should not be read by anyone.
Greetings, Raider Nation! It is I, the funk in dysfunction, the man for whom there is no ‘OFF’ position on the Geniu