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LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) — With a little bit of summer yet to go before things start to cool down, if you also want to have flowers or anything else inside the house, you probably should get started on that.
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The Centre on Thursday barred 13 states from buying or selling electricity on power exchanges until they clear their current bills from power plants, sending a clear signal that they will have to clear accumulated dues and pay regular bills on time.
Canadian pension fund Caisse dedép�
“The mind-set of the people has changed” in New York, says Chintan Pandya, the chef of Dhamaka, one of the hardest reservations in Manhattan. He thinks his rustic Indian restaurant would not have been the smash hit it’s become before the pandemic. These days, diners want something they
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have a green thumb. You may not even know what that means. A green thumb is an expression used to describe someone who has a natural ability for gardening and plants. They have the intuition to know what to do, and when to do it to hel
A mix of clouds and sun. High 82F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy skies. Low 62F. Winds light and variable.
KENDALLVILLE —New Millennium Jazz Orchestra will perform Sept. 22 in the first concert of the 2022-23 Concert Series at the Comm
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Droughts and heatwaves will keep ravaging our gardens in years to come. These are the plants that can cope well with high temperatures and drier conditions.
This summer has seen record-breaking temperatures, hosepipe bans and drought conditions, leaving our poor gardens looking a little
Landscape-inspired design holistically creates a connection to the world.
As more people seek out authentic experiences, the appetite for a connection to the world continues to grow among travelers. Landscape-inspired design holistically creates this by drawing in the most compelling ele
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Friars in Cambridge, England, suffered from these parasites at nearly double the rate found among average unwashed citizens
The Augustinian friars of Medieval Britain pledged themselves to a life of poverty, but their friaries offered a pretty high standard of communal living. The monks