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No more Mr. Nice Captain. All season long, Captain Jason Chambers has tried to be more cool older brother than demanding boss. But he’s finally reached his (still rather sedate) boiling point with Chef Ryan McKeown. In truth, it’s surprising that a confrontation has taken this long. What w
Kaleidoscope of Faith is set for June 25, 2022.
Pastors Eddie and Pat Trice of South Plains Church in Levelland will host a special service on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. featuring Jesse Duplantis. Duplantis is an evangelist and founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries, which is headquartered in L
Living stones is a loose term for the cutest and most bizarre of all small succulents because they mimic the appearance of real wash pebbles in Africa's Kalahari desert. Grazing wildlife eat everything that isn't toxic or spiny. The living stones survive differently: they hide.
Anyone wh
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The rise in demand for exotic houseplants is damaging the environment. We need to make sure our gardening is green, writes Beronda L. Montgomery
OVER dinner with friends, one half of a couple proudly declared that his resourcefulness in
Publisher - Because the best of life is in your homeFlorianópolis, Wednesday, May 4, by Daiane de Souza – Is the step by step process to grow Crassula Umbella easy or complex?Well, many people are attracted to this type of plant due to its beauty, which, without a doubt, ends up catching the a
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Nine people have been arrested in Cape Town for the illegal possession of protected plants worth R350 000.
They were arrested in Elsies River on Thursday, after an interprovincial operation between the Springbok and Kuils River Stock Theft and Endangered Species units.
Police spo
Sarasota Magazine 1255 N. Gulfstream Avenue, Suite 101, Sarasota, FL 34236 Phone: (941) 487-1100
Fancy Leaf Plant Co. storefront.
House plants have been all the rage since the beginning of the pandemic. Since 2020, about 38 million households in the U.S. participated in indo
Houseplant enthusiasts are always looking for unusual and exotic plants to add to their collections. Beginners and experts alike can find many interesting choices among the succulents. Succulents fall into a loose category of plants, including cacti, which have developed thick fleshy leaves or