Attract fortune, happiness and wealth with the most beautiful and spiritual lucky plant: it is the Fairy Castle cactus, a species that looks like something out of a princess tale due to the shape of its leaves.Get to know it and fall completely in love with it: decorate your entire house with this unique cactus;here I tell you everything: its meaning, when it blooms, its care, and where to place it so that you can earn money.The Fairy Castle cactus, also called Acanthocereus tetragonus, is a very exotic plant native to Central America;its trunk is green but it can become lighter if you expose it to intense sunlight or darker if you place it in a place with little lighting;It has yellow and white spines, which further highlight its beauty.The Fairy Castle lucky plant symbolizes three things: happiness, abundance and money;It is related to stability and luck, which is why Feng Shui recommends that it be used in home decoration.The Fairy Castle cactus, as this type of plant is also known, can reach a height of up to 70 centimeters.But don't worry, because you can control its growth through the size of the pot you choose for it.It is important that you know that the Fairy Castle cactus rarely blooms: it requires perfect conditions and precise care for it to have flowers, which are very beautiful, large and white.How to get them?Your cactus must be older, that is, it must have 10 years of growth.It serves to attract money and new business;symbolizes success in projects.Counteract bad luck and prevent this reflection object from stealing your energyAnother place where you should place this cactus is the garden because it balances the energy fields along with the other elements of nature.under windowsPrevent the passage of bad vibes and let prosperity enter your home.LivingFinally, place your Fairy Castle cactus in the living room so that everything that is discussed there about home economics bears fruit.This way you will earn money and attract it easily!Say goodbye to this plague with this simple method and make your succulents look spectacular.Get inspired by these ideas and make the exterior of your house look modern!Water your plants with this tonic that works as a fertilizer and insecticide.