After visiting gardens in Morocco I have developed a deeper affection for architectural plants and I notice that many WA gardeners are too.
Succulents have made a huge comeback and plant breeders are coming up with more compact and free-flowering forms.
There has been a lot of work done on the aloe family to bring out a range of interesting foliage and flowers.
Aloe-Aloe Horticulture also has a very diverse range of aloe cultivars that have stunning flowers and range in height from 20cm to 1.5m.
The flowers attract honeyeaters, they are rich in nectar and you will see them hanging off the flowering stems feasting. Many aloes, agaves and kalanchoes flower in winter, giving smaller birds the opportunity to source nectar when not much else is out.
Kalanchoe beharensis, Agave celsii, Agave victoria-reginae and dasylirion and pachypodium also make an impact. These are all tough-as-nails plants and require very little watering apart from rainfall. They only need-slow release fertiliser twice a year and they prefer full sun.
Sea Urchin Aloe has prolific orange flowers in winter and spring, with blue/green foliage and it grows to 30cm high.
Erik the Red gets to 2m high and has blood-red flowers all winter.
Mighty Sunset Aloe is a bicoloured aloe with cream and sunset-orange flowers to 60cm high. And for something unusual look out for Aloe polyphylla with its spiralling leaves that spread to 1m wide.
If you’re really interested in the more unusual agaves and aloes join the Cactus & Succulent Society of WA. Contact or visit
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