Valentine plants with plenty of ‘heart’ for your sweetie

2022-08-19 19:46:31 By : Ms. Cary Zhu

Not only do indoor plants enhance the overall appearance of any indoor space, but they've been shown to boost moods, increase creativity, reduce stress and eliminate air pollutants — making for a healthier, happier you. Indoor plants don't just look good — they can make us feel good, too. If there is one thing we all love, it is the life, the color, the beauty that houseplants bring to our homes, especially during the winter months.

We can share those good vibes this Valentine’s Day with the appropriate gift of a houseplant that sports heart-shaped leaves to display and convey your affection a lot longer than will a bouquet of roses. According to the National Garden Bureau, COVID-19 might have curtailed a lot of our social gatherings, but it hasn’t stopped people’s love for collecting plants. Now is the perfect time to get your special someone a heart-shaped houseplant. It will make their home office, kitchen table, or bedroom nightstand that much brighter. Give these five heart-shaped houseplants to say I love you!

One the dearest plants ever, the quintessential African violet is the perfect blooming plant to present to your Valentine. Lovely flower colors, including doubles and ruffles, are just some of the reasons to enjoy and give this plant. Care includes: bright light, but not direct sunlight, a well-drained potting mix, moist soil and frequent fertilizing — every other week — is what these favorite blooming houseplants thrive upon. Better yet, place pots on a tray of water-filled pebbles to provide plenty of humidity. 

Ficus triangularis variegata is something new and this fascinating take on Ficus features bright green “hearts” with creamy white margins. This shrubby plant is a good choice for a bright and sunny window. Water when the top inch of soil is dry and fertilize every four to six months. 

Also called Valentine plant, sweetheart hoya (Hoya kerrii) is a popular gift around Valentine’s Day because of its heart shape. You’re most likely to see a single heart shape in a cute little pot, but sweetheart hoya will eventually grow into a vine, covered in little green hearts. This succulent plant doesn’t need much water and will grow in low light.

Striped “hearts” of the watermelon peperomia argyreia are held aloft by brilliant red stems. This peperomia prefers medium to high light and temperatures over 50 degrees F. Fertilize every two to four months. 

Last on our list, another heart! This easy to grow philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum) is perfect anywhere. Its heart-shaped leaves create a dense canopy in a pot, or insert a wooden pole to create a stunning climber. Keep it in part-shade and out of direct sunlight.

Appreciate those around you (or yourself) by gifting any of these heart-shaped houseplants! It’s a perfect way to say, “I Love You.” Once you’ve selected your heart-felt houseplant, here are 10 handy tips from Costa Nurseries (one of the largest producers of houseplants) on caring for your houseplants this winter: 

Remember that while nearly all plants prefer bright light, be careful to protect them from intense direct sun. A good rule of thumb: If the sun is intense enough to burn your skin, it will certainly burn a plant’s leaves.

If your absentmindedness is what stands in the way of plant ownership, pick a plant that thrives from neglect. If you have bright light, try a succulent or cactus, and if you have low light, try a snake plant or ZZ plant.

Beware of overwatering. A telltale sign a plant is past due for a watering: wilting plant leaves or soil pulling away from the sides of the planter. Always use tepid water to water your plant. Let the potting soil soak up the water for about 15-30 minutes, then empty any remaining water from the saucer. 

For plants that prefer more humid conditions such as ferns, ivies or tropical plants, mist them using a small spray bottle in between waterings. During the dry months of winter, grouping plants together helps to create a humid microclimate. A humidifier can help, too. 

Avoid placing plants near temperature hazards like vents, radiators and exterior doors, which might create hot or cold spots and drafts.  

Plants get minerals from the air, water and their potting mix – and are nourished and energized by sunlight. If you do choose to fertilize, only do so during the growing season and follow the general rule of thumb “less is more.”

Definitely give the plant a once-over before purchasing. Look for yellowed leaves, powdery mildew, leaf spots, brown leaf tips, weak or wobbly stems and other obvious signs of poor plant health. 

Establish a routine of checking plants every three to four days. A little extra attention can go a long way.

Repotting does not necessarily mean putting your plant in a new planter, but rather, changing its soil or potting mix, because plants receive some of their nutrients from their soil. Choose a new planter that is no more than 2 to 4 inches larger than the current one, depending on plant-size. Repot in early spring, before the growth season starts. 

If the planter does not have a drainage hole at the bottom to allow excess water to escape from the soil, it is important to create makeshift drainage. Line the bottom of the planter with rocks and sand. Try lava rocks because they are porous. This added precaution could help prevent overwatering.

Lynette L. Walther is the GardenComm Gold medal winner for writing, a five-time recipient of the GardenComm Silver Medal of Achievement, the National Garden Bureau’s Exemplary Journalism Award and she is the author of “Florida Gardening on the Go.” She is a member of GardenComm and the National Garden Bureau. Her gardens are on the banks of the St. Johns River.