Even though soap aloe has spotted foliage, a broad growth habit and orange flowers, folks seem to mistake it for Aloe vera, which features gray-green leaves, yellow blossoms and an upright growth habit. Another difference is that the jelly-like pulp in soap aloe’s leaves doesn’t have the soothing effect on skin irritations that Aloe vera does. But both soap aloe (A. maculata), from East Africa, and Aloe vera, from the Canary Islands, are excellent clumping plants for sunny, well-drained sites. Propagate these cold-hardy succulents by division.
Among the prettiest plants for Central Florida is one you may never encounter — variegated jewels of Opar (Talinum paniculatum Variegata). This 2-to-3-foot-tall, semi-succulent plant features bright-green, cream-edged foliage and summertime sprays of small pink flowers and yellow fruit. Jewels of Opar thrives in moderate shade on organically enriched, mulched sites. Strangely, it’s not commonly planted in Florida. This neglect may be due to the behavior of the parent species — a plant with solid-green foliage that’s native to North and South America and the Caribbean. That shrub, with edible foliage and pink blossoms, is well known as a prolific self-seeder that can overrun gardens. Interestingly, the species — unlike the variegated form — craves hot, sunny, dry locations. Variegated jewels of Opar, propagated with warm-season cuttings, is sometimes available online.
The number of gardeners who mail-order what they think are zone appropriate plants — only to be disappointed — must be astronomical. It’s likely the catalog and online nurseries they’re dealing with don’t care. Many nurseries list only whole numbers as suitable planting zones, which may sound fine. But our planting zone is largely 9B, as indicated by the USDA’s Plant Hardiness Zone map; 9A, which takes up the rest of zone 9, includes a bit of Southeast Georgia as well as Jacksonville, Gainesville and part of Florida’s Panhandle.
In other words, zones 9A and 9B can be worlds apart as far as plant choices are concerned. A good example is this list of zone 9 plants offered in recent catalogs from long-established and respected nurseries: hosta, Japanese maple, brunnera, toad lily, bleeding heart, lily of the valley, hellebore, cardoon, filipendula and numerous others that fail in Central Florida’s climate.
A surprising number of plant lovers are intrigued by smelly flowers. So if you enjoy the noisome aroma of Amorphophallus species and most Stapelias, be sure to check out Dracontium. The Dracontium genus includes 23 Tropical American, tuberous plants that bear a remarkable resemblance to Amorphophallus species, which hail from Tropical Asia. Related to Dieffenbachia and Caladium, some Dracontiums — which look a little spooky — can grow over 7 feet tall in moderate shade on rich, coarse, moist sites. Like Amorphophallus, they’re winter dormant. Tubers are offered online but are snapped up by collectors.