Succulents are one of the most popular plants and there are endless species that you can place in your house to make it look spectacular.However, a peculiarity of succulent plants is that they store water in their leaves, so they do not need such frequent watering.That is why here we will tell you some tips to water succulents and prevent them from drowning.It doesn't matter if you have anything from an Echeveria Elegans to a mother-in-law's tongue, these tips will help your succulents develop properly and prevent serious damage to their leaves and roots.So pay attention to these care so that your succulents look amazing.One of the most important tips for watering succulents is to never wet their leaves.This is because most succulents have bloom, a layer of white powder on their leaves that protects them from the sun's rays and other external agents.By wetting its leaves you can remove this protective layer and damage your succulent permanently, so you must be careful and water only the part of the substrate.To be able to water your succulents and prevent them from drowning, you can do immersion irrigation, that is, submerge your plant in a bucket of water so that your own succulent determines the amount of water it needs.Just place a bucket or container that has a larger diameter than your pot and add water without exceeding your plant.Wait 15 to 20 minutes and remove.If you still have water left in the container, don't worry, this time is enough for your succulent to take in all the necessary hydration.If you don't know what to do to keep your succulents from drowning, you may need to pay attention to the substrate you're using.Succulents prefer a porous substrate that helps them eliminate excess water and keep their roots oxygenated, so we recommend having a substrate for succulents with coarse materials such as perlite, vermiculite, tezontle, tree bark, coconut fiber or sand. gross.As you know, there are multiple species of succulent plants, so it would be impossible to reach a conclusion about when is the best time to water succulents, since it will depend on the type of plant.However, there is a trick to knowing when to water your succulents.You just have to insert a wooden stick into the substrate and, if it comes out completely dry, it's time to water your plant.If the substrate is still wet, it is best to wait a few more days to water again.Make your plants grow and flourish!This is the best homemade fertilizer for your garden.These are the places where you should not put your indoor plants.Don't let them lose their color!Prevent your jewelry from fading with these tips.