Dümmen Orange, an international breeder and propagator of cut flowers, bulbs, tropical plants, pot plants, bedding plants, and perennials, recently debuted its entry into tropical plants with its Welcome to the Jungle program.
Welcome to the Jungle is a new, indoor foliage houseplant program with 50 varieties of popular houseplant categories currently available. Since they can be grown anywhere, Welcome to the Jungle is turnkey for any grower located throughout the U.S. and Canada. The program allows growers to have a fast crop time of 10 to 14 weeks to grow all varieties in 4-inch to 6-inch pots. Welcome to the Jungle is easy for the grower, retailer, and consumer with low water needs and tolerating a wide range of environments.
According to the company, Welcome to the Jungle is a sustainable product line that will sell fast. Many colorful houseplants with an assortment of textures and habits are now available to add to any greenhouse and can be started from plugs or direct stick.
One example is SPROUTS, an easy-to-stick, multi-stemmed, and leaved plant that arrives pre-callused and ready to push out roots. After seeing that many foliage items are available only as liners or unrooted cuttings, Dümmen Orange looked at that model and created a way to help growers find popular foliage items that have the cost savings of a cutting and the benefits of a liner.
Traditional leaf and stem cuttings, especially when directly stuck, can be a challenge. Stems can be too small to pick up, containers have too many holes to dibble, plants get damaged at sticking, and because plants are multi-stuck, finish plants may end up lopsided and not even. SPROUTS addresses all those concerns, as only one plant is needed for small pot crops which reduces labor, waste, and potential lost sales. Dümmen Orange currently offers SPROUTS in three peperomia varieties in Leap Frog, Raisinet and Rosso with more selections to come.
Peperomia are an enjoyable, easy to grow houseplant that has been around for years. Surging in popularity again, the plants can be grown in small containers and spaces which makes them an easy to care for indoor plant. Dümmen Orange offers 16 varieties of peperomia including Leap Frog with its fresh, bright green foliage for which the company is the exclusive provider in North America. Each peperomia variety has unique attributes which make them attractive to interior decorators and gardeners alike.
With its Welcome to the Jungle program, Dümmen Orange harvests each cutting to provide a more advanced plant for growers and retailers. Some varieties were even designed for heavy shade as these plants keep their color while being inside the home and cared for in uncertain levels of lighting. Confident colors, tantalizing textures, and fancy foliage all sprout ahead to create the ideal retail display to grow urban jungles across North America.
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