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These graceful Desert Spoon plants (Dasylirion longissimum) do not have the backward-turned spikes on their leaf edges that the more common varieties have.
These graceful Desert Spoon plants (Dasylirion longissimum) do not have the backward-turned spikes on their leaf edges that the more common varieties have.
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A common question from new desert dwellers is, “I was told this plant will die after it blooms. Is that right?” This query is often the result of mistaken identity.
It has long, sharp-ended leaves, spreads from the ground up, and sends up tall flower stalks with unique flower clusters. Is the mystery plant a Desert Spoon or perhaps an Agave?
Agave plants are rosette-shaped while Desert Spoons are global. Most Agave flower stalks begin by looking much like a large asparagus. They then produce blooms near the top, or sometimes tiny plants along the stalk length. Often the Agave will begin to brown and die before the flower has completed its job.
Desert Spoons (Dasylirion wheeleri) are best described as having narrow blue-gray leaves often edged with razor-sharp teeth. These statuesque plants do not die after they have finished blooming. They are randomly used as accents, adding symmetry to the landscape.
Its leaves tightly crowd onto a very short center stem, producing an overall orderly round shape. Although small, the teeth on leaf margins are serious! Curving backward, they allow one to reach into the plant center to remove litter, but can grab on the way out. A rule of thumb is to always wear a long-sleeved shirt when working near Desert Spoon.
At 4 to 6 feet tall and wide with a near-perfect shape, these plants do not need to be pruned. Old bottom leaves will eventually brown and can be carefully pulled out.
Occasionally gardeners create “phony pineapple plants” by cutting away bottom leaves a foot or more from the base. This unnatural pruning style is not reco-mmended.
Desert Spoons are drought tolerant, do not require fertilizing, are cold hardy to
0-degrees Fahrenheit, and are not susceptible to pests or disease. They will, however, die quickly if planted in poorly-drained soil. Full sun is preferable, but they also do well in partial shade. Plant either in autumn or early spring.
Flower stalks are quite impressive, growing 12 to 15 feet tall, with male and female blossoms on separate plants. The larger female flower stalk develops the seeds. After the flowers have dropped or blown away, the stalk may remain on the plant for years if not removed. The wooden spikes make great walking sticks. If left on the plant, a female Carpenter Bee will often drill multiple holes into the dead wood where she deposits her eggs.
Desert Spoons are long living and after years may begin producing additional heads on a short trunk, often a surprise to the gardener. Available also is a
toothless variety (Dasylirion longissimum) which has rich green and smooth-edged foliage. With the slightest breeze, its thin flexible leaves add grace to the land-scape.
All of the Desert Spoons make a statement in the garden as a focal point, to accent other desert plants, or for areas that get only minimal care.
Mary Kidnocker is a University of Arizona Master Gardener who lives in the Green Valley area.
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