For over a century, Haworthias have perched on the windowsills of both novice gardeners and serious collectors. Depending on the botanist queried, the number of Haworthia species varies from about 30 to well over 100. In addition, there are untold numbers of cultivated hybrids muddying the nomenclatural waters and keeping scientists busy. But regardless of the species or variety, Haworthias are mostly small, stemless succulents from South Africa that grow in partial shade on rocky soil. Many of these aloe relatives form offsets with abandon but can still spend years living contentedly in 5-inch pots.
Regarding general care, Haworthias look their best when subjected to the brightest light they can tolerate — but plants also endure the scant light of north-facing windows. As with most succulents, irrigate only when the soil is nearly dry, and fertilize with a succulent-specific product in early spring and early autumn. Use potting soil formulated for cactus to ensure good drainage.
Among the most attractive and easily grown Haworthias is H. fasciata, a rosette-forming, freely offsetting species that grows 4 to 5 inches tall. This plant features stiff green or purple leaves covered with raised growths that form zebra-like bands. More columnar in growth habit due to its short, tightly packed leaves is H. coarctata. Upright at first, its stems arch to varying degrees, with some individuals — particularly hybrids — cascading dramatically. H. coarctata – which can range from bright orange to nearly black - offsets as vigorously as H. fasciata.
Very different, but also popular among succulent fans, is H. retusa, one of a clan that features plump, glassy-looking leaves with transparent tips. This characteristic allows them to photosynthesize more safely in the wild, where they typically grow partly under the soil to avoid the sun’s desiccating rays. Varieties of this and similar Haworthias are often extremely colorful, especially when cultivated in bright light. In shade, their foliage is dull, though usually marked with thin, contrasting stripes.
Unique among Haworthias is H. truncata, with leaves lying on their sides, looking as if they’ve been sliced. In fact, a well-grown truncata resembles a line of toppled dominoes. The species requires more consistently moist soil during the growing season than most Haworthias prefer, and it features a larger root system than other kinds. It sports a wonderfully descriptive common name: horse’s teeth haworthia. Online dealers offer the plants mentioned as well as a multitude of others.