How to Care for Succulents, According to Plant Pros - Buy Side from WSJ

2022-08-19 19:38:39 By : Mr. Xianwei Zeng

Adapted to survive in harsh desert conditions, succulents and cacti have a reputation for being among the best indoor houseplants for black thumbs. But that doesn’t mean they’re foolproof; in fact, the plant pros we spoke with said that succulent “fails” happen more frequently than you would think. To help you keep your greenery in good shape, we asked top experts to share the secrets to succulent success.

There are thousands of types of succulents, but not all of them do well in indoor settings and some are better choices for succulent newbies. All four experts we spoke with suggested a group that’s native to South Africa called haworthia—and the zebra plant in particular—as a hardy option for people who want an easy-care option. 

Another forgiving, tough-to-kill type is the snake plant, which many don’t think of as a succulent because of its more conventional-looking leaves. Prefer a smaller one? Consider the more compact relative of the snake plant, the Sansevieria starfish, an easy-care option recently spotlighted by The Wall Street Journal newsroom. 

A planter with a drainage hole is a must to allow excess water to escape, according to all the experts we spoke with. Succulents also grow better in shallow planters because there’s less opportunity for water to pool. But think twice about terrarium-style planters: They may be aesthetically appealing but they don’t offer good airflow, which means water can’t evaporate quickly. If you’re set on the look, be very careful not to overwater, keep the soil depth shallow and choose succulents that can tolerate more water, such as haworthias, crassula and rhipsalis. 

Succulents are often sold in traditional potting soil, which works in a nursery setting but isn’t great for the long-term or for indoor growing, says Cassidy Tuttle, founder of the Succulents and Sunshine blog and author of “ Succulents: Everything You Need to Select, Pair and Care for Succulents.” The peat-based soil is typically too rich in organic matter for succulents and cacti that evolved in more mineral-based earth, inhibiting growth. This is why Ralph Portillano, a horticulturist who works at PlantShed in New York City, recommends a bonsai potting mix called akadama instead. Made of shale rock, “it’s a bit more expensive, but because it is actually clay harvested from volcanic soil, it holds water and nutrients better without becoming soggy,” he says. It also enables better drainage and aeration for the roots. 

If your succulents are new, skip the fertilizer, which “will cause them to have a really quick growth spurt and they’ll get really stretched out,” says Tuttle. After about a year you can begin fertilizing once or twice annually, in the fall and spring, she adds. Use a fertilizer formulated with the right ratio of nutrients for succulents, like Miracle-Gro Succulent Plant Food. 

Even the most low-maintenance succulents need some rays. Despite what some novices think, succulents “are not plants that you can just float wherever you want in your house or office,” says Portillano . They do best in an east, south or west-facing window—and don’t hesitate to set them as close to the light as possible. In order to thrive and keep their intense color, “a lot of these plants really need that direct light on them,” says Brian Kemble, curator of the Ruth Bancroft Garden & Nursery in Walnut Creek, California. If your succulent is leaning instead of growing upright, that’s likely a sign that it needs more sun.

A good rule of thumb is to water succulents every two to three weeks and adjust as needed, letting the soil dry out between waterings. To check whether it’s dry, don’t just glance at the soil—actually stick your finger about an inch of the way in to see whether it’s moist underneath, and if it is still damp, hold off, advises Kemble. 

Overwatering is the most common mistake people make with succulents, he says, adding that a soil meter can help you monitor the moisture level. You can also check the leaves; you’ve probably overwatered “if the leaves turn a little bit yellow and look translucent,” says Tuttle, though you can reverse the damage by cutting off water and letting the soil dry out completely. On the other hand, “if you start seeing dark spots on the leaves or stem, or if the stem is getting soft, it’s probably a goner.” 

But don’t let them dry out

How do you know if you’re under watering? If the leaves start to wrinkle or the soil contracts and develops cracks, you’ve let your plant dry out too much, says Kemble. To rehydrate it, submerge the pot in a bowl of water until the soil at the top is wet, ideally for more than 30 minutes, which allows the dirt to gradually absorb water. Then remove the pot and let the soil dry out thoroughly before the next watering.

Keep in mind: Succulents grow best when their soil is soaked and then dries out before watering again, which is why experts advise watering the soil, not the plant itself. “There’s a big misconception that they should be watered with a spray bottle, which is probably the worst way to water succulents. The soil doesn’t get wet enough for healthy root growth, so the succulent puts out thinner roots that don’t withstand drought well, says Tuttle. She uses a squeeze bottle instead. “That way I get water right on the soil and properly soak it without having to take the succulent to the sink.”

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