Mistletoe cactus blooms after more than 40 years - oregonlive.com

2022-05-13 23:39:08 By : Ms. LISA FU

Genie Uebelacker of Clackamas wrote weeks ago to tell me her mistletoe cactus (

) was blooming for the first time in more than 40 years. That's news. However, her email got buried. Today as I looked through some other things, I found it and went looking for the photos she sent along, too. Here's the weird thing. When I looked closer, I realized her cactus was the same plant my colleague left in my care when she left The Oregonian at least 10 years ago. Every time I look at it, I think of Lisa and am in awe that I've been able to keep it alive under the fluorescent lights at the office.

Genie inherited her mother's mistletoe cactus, which had never bloomed, in 1991.

"My mother acquired the plant in Seattle and had it for at least 20 years and maybe more," Genie wrote. "I remember seeing it in a corner of their kitchen and thinking how pretty it was. She died in 1991, and my dad let me have it. I transplanted it to a larger pot and have watered it and fed it (with Schultz's liquid fertilizer) about once a month since then. We moved into our current house 10 years ago, and it now sits in a corner with morning sun and plenty of light during the day. I have pruned it once, since (as you can see) it is getting very large. But, right now I am reluctant to do that until it stops blooming.

"I have no idea why it bloomed after so many years, but I must say I am delighted. I hope this is an annual occasion -- time will tell. It is such fun to have something like this happen and I hope others will enjoy the pictures and story as well."

These photos of my cactus, taken by my neighbor, are remarkable.

In answer to my questions, Genie provided some additional tips:

-- I generally water and fertilize once a month. Sometimes if the soil seems dry, I give it a small drink. I have quarts of water that I save for my plants and put 7 drops of Shultz's in when I am watering, so it's a very light dose. I give it 1/2 to 1 cup of water each time.

-- Usually pruning is just cutting off the spikes and some of the plant that is too low to the ground. Never have been very specific. It's a tough plant so doesn't seem to object to what ever I do. Just try to make it look nicer than right now -- it looks kind of ragged at present. But I don't do anything with the main big portion of the plant.

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