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Friday, May 20 7:30 a.m. Wake Up Alexandria! Well & Co. 10 a.m. Legacy of the Lakes Museum Season Opening With Pledge A Paddle Exhibit 11:30 a.m. Mental Health Walk to City Hall, 1106 Broadway Noon-1 p.m. “I Saw That,” with Sam Williams, Faith at Work Lunch, Broadway Ballroom, rese
Echeveria elegans is one of the most popular plants for interior decoration, because being a succulent, it turns out to be easy to care for and maintain.In addition to having beautiful green foliage that gives a lively and fresh touch to the enclosures, it helps maintain the temperature of homes
This is a fresh take on a hanging plant!
Looking to add some decorative plants to your home but don’t exactly have a green thumb? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Whether you don’t have good luck with plants or simply don’t like to invest a lot of time and ene
Give it enough humidity and this tropical giant will transform your front room into a jungle
Why will I love it? Fans of Little Shop of Horrors will love Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum, a monster of a plant that brings tropical vibes to every room.
Light or shade? Indirect brig
If killing houseplants was a crime, I’d be on death row—my past is littered with the corpses of philodendron, ferns, and spider plants. I’ve made every mistake possible, from watering them too much, to burning them with too much light, to salting their soil through over fertilizing.
It’s daffodils that have gotten all the press at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden lately, what with the launching of the inaugural Wood River Valley Daffodil Festival.
But there are plenty of other reasons to visit the garden right now, especial
Local News and Opinion for San Diego
A South Korean national who once ran a Vista nursery and is charged with attempting to illegally export thousands of lotus-like California succulents is expected to plead guilty this week.
Byungsu Kim, 46, is now set to enter the plea
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Whether you are a new plant parent stemming from working from home or have been tending to houseplants for years, we all are looking for ways to add a bit of pep and beauty into our spaces these days. But you may be overlooking one type of low-maintenance plants: cacti.
That's right