Succulents: this is how you can make the crassula capitella change the color of its leaves - Terra Mexico

2022-06-04 00:18:15 By : Ms. May Yang

Crassula capitella is a perennial succulent plant native to South Africa, although today it is grown throughout the world.It is a highly variable species, with many subspecies, and sometimes even a different appearance in specimens of the same species.Withstands hot temperatures and dry climates, even frost for short periods of time.This succulent has a particularity, and that is that its leaves grow stacked and are larger at the base, forming a kind of rosette.These leaves are deep green, but turn reddish in sunlight.This is why the crassula capitella is also known as 'Fire Crassula' since its leaves, when exposed to the sun, change to warm tones that look impressive anywhere.In general, succulents have the ability to change color because changes in temperature, watering and other care produce certain assets that give their leaves a different hue.This practice is also known as "stressing succulents", because to generate the assets they need radical changes in their care.Don't worry though, as you won't harm your plant if you make the changes gradually.The crassula capitella or crassula campfire can change its leaves to shades of red, which makes it stand out anywhere, and to change the color of your succulent you will simply need to expose it to direct sunlight.A high temperature and the sun's rays will cause the succulent to generate warm tones.If your plant is indoors, we recommend gradually exposing your succulent to the sun to avoid burning its leaves.As you will see, it is very easy to change the color of your succulent crassula capitella, however, remember that you must maintain other care such as irrigation and fertilization, as you could affect your plant if you neglect it.If fly pests are tormenting your kitchen, with a simple home remedy you can eradicate them.Thanks to the hand of man, cockroach infestations could disappear completely.I know how the use of homemade traps affected.In this month of June, the stars have aligned in favor of the lucky ones born under certain zodiac signs