Echeveria elegans is one of the most popular plants for interior decoration, because being a succulent, it turns out to be easy to care for and maintain.In addition to having beautiful green foliage that gives a lively and fresh touch to the enclosures, it helps maintain the temperature of homes and purify the air.So that's why we want to share with you four mandatory care that you must have with your 'Alabaster Rose' so that it grows fast.This plant needs a lot of natural light so you will have to place it in a well-lit space.It is suggested that this succulent be exposed daily to the sun's rays for long periods, preferably avoiding the hours from 11 to 5 in the afternoon, because the heat could burn its leaves.Echeveria elegans resists drought very well, so its irrigation must be carefully monitored.Try to do it every time the soil or substrate is dry, which is usually every eight days.In winter, it may be necessary to reduce hydration.Regarding fertilization, we suggest using special fertilizers for cacti and succulents every three or four weeks.You can also rely on vitaminized irrigation water or dry bread.Finally, we recommend that you use a mix for succulent plants that is porous and has good drainage, or create your own with sand and perlite.If your succulent is outdoors, keep it out of the rain or get wet frequently to avoid puddles.Clarify your doubts and discover what you should do when this moment comesKnow the places where you should put this money plant.We tell you where you should put these money plants.