Tropical Squash: A Great Provider in a Costa Rica Garden :

2022-09-16 19:50:18 By : Mr. Bruce Chen

If there were one word to describe tropical squashes, that word would be abundance. If you would like to have an abundance of food from the garden, then I suggest you grow these giants.

Known as Ayote in Spanish, Curcubita Maxima, is the native pumpkin squash of the tropical Americas. Grown by the indigenous tribes for ages before the Europeans arrived, these hardy plants are still one of the most important staple crops of the area.

Ayotes also provide an abundance of nutrition at each meal and each one-half cup of cooked squash contains up to:

These hardy native plants are also resistant to insect attacks and plant diseases, which makes them easy to grow in the home garden.

Many gardeners, including myself, have had poor luck with growing zucchinis, yellow crookneck and other northern varieties of squash here in the tropics.

These varieties are genetically adapted to northern conditions, which seem to make them vulnerable to tropical insects and diseases. We also discovered that the young succulent native tropical squashes taste just as good as the northern varieties.

Here are some tips on growing your own Ayotes at home:

First, start with good soil fertility when planting Ayotes. We usually start by preparing a hole about 1 meter in diameter and 30-40 cm deep.

In this hole we apply one wheelbarrow load of rich, aged compost that is fortified with two shovels full of ashes.

Next, we plant 3 Ayote seeds in the center about 5 cm deep and 30 cm apart.

Areas where brush and leaves have been burned are ideal spots for planting Ayotes. Keep the young plants free of weeds, and when the Ayote plants begin to cover the area, begin to prune the leading tips of the vines.

By the way, locals taught us to use these tender tendrils for a spinach-like vegetable dish known as “quelites deayote.”

Pruning your Ayote plant helps to keep it compact, and in fact, stimulates flowering and the production of squashes. When the plant begins to produce its pretty, brilliant, yellow flowers, keep a close eye on the production of the tender young squashes.

Begin to harvest the young squashes when they reach the size of about a cantaloupe.

At this stage, they are as delicious as zucchinis. Leave others develop to their full size for seed production and use them as mature squashes.

You will find that an Ayote plant can produce for several months, providing an abundance of delicious meals for the family.

Prepare a piecrust as you would for any pie.

You can obtain seeds for planting by shopping in your local market. Ask for varieties that have soft edible skins

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