About 60 species of Spathiphyllum plants — commonly called peace lilies — are native to Tropical America and the Philippines. Hybrids — with confused and complex ancestry — are produced by the millions via tissue culture, representing almost all peace lilies sold. These plants — unrelated to actual lilies — are extremely popular with indoor gardeners because they tolerate low levels of light and humidity — and look good doing it. Their long-lasting inflorescences consist of a spike (spadix) and a snow-white spathe that’s either hood-like or projects from the spike’s base.
In nature, Spathiphyllums are understory plants dwelling in moist forests, so their ability to withstand drought is limited. Bright, indirect light is optimal, while direct sunlight will cause the broad, dark-green leaves to wilt. Though quite sensitive to low temperatures and best suited for interiorscaping, peace lilies are also cultivated in Central Florida’s landscapes, surviving mild winters if sheltered by tree canopies and structures that block north and northwest winds. Depending on variety, plants range from 1 to 4 feet tall, with Mauna Loa among the largest. Propagate by division.
The sycamore tree (Platanus occidentalis) is naturally present in Florida only in the Panhandle and a few adjacent counties. It is, however, successfully cultivated well down our state’s peninsula: I’ve seen fine specimens in Lake Placid. Sycamores are fast-growing, ultimately large trees with variably shaped canopies. They occasionally exceed 150 feet, though half that height is more typical in Florida. Among notable aspects of this deciduous tree are its large leaves, which look like maple foliage on steroids; its marvelous peeling bark; and its long period of winter dormancy. In addition, sycamores are long-lived and possess remarkable storm resistance due to their strong root systems. Propagate by seed.
Turf going yellow? Late September is the appropriate period to apply the last fertilization of the year. So if your turf is sickly and yellow, either live with it until then or treat the grass with a chelated iron product formulated for turf. The green-up effect should last for several weeks.
If you haven’t pinched back your poinsettias yet, do it no later than this weekend or risk losing flowers and their incredible bracts. The time for safely pruning azaleas and camellias has passed. The vegetable gardening season is building momentum, so it’s high time to incorporate plenty of organic matter into your beds. Among vegetables suitable for planting now are collard, onion, celery, broccoli, chard, watermelon, pepper, corn, Southern peas, pumpkin, eggplant, winter squash and bush, pole and lima beans.
European fan palm is a wonderful plant for any size garden. This diminutive species is native to the Mediterranean region and rarely grows over 10 feet tall. A clumping plant with spiny stems, European fan palm (Chamaerops humilis) is cold hardy and drought tolerant and thrives in sun or light shade. Propagate by seed.